tpdrcouga |
The People's Democratic Republic Committee Of United Greater America |
What tpdrcouga Is About
tpdrcouga is an effort toward informational and dialectic material for the individual, collective, or group. It is in its nascent stage. It touches on the state and the people and philosophy and religion, and art and science. It is a view, a view of (for now) just Kevin A. Sensenig, its publisher and author. It is meant to convey views and provide pointers to significant resource while indicating that each individual living out any of many various types of lives (individual, interpersonal, group, state, international) has already significant material, and may further those endeavors here with modern-type thought that points to thought and praxis both ancient and modern; others may see resources that they can benefit from, in their own validation and reasoning and esprit with it. May it be of merit and of benefit. An Apperception What is it that one sees? kutas (Sanskrit): what is it, where does it come from, what is it connected to, how does it function, what is its essence (and in conjunction with the world-space), what does it contain, what contains it, what is its extent, and in how many ways and angles. ma (Japanese): 'the space between'. the interstitial. Thematic The individual, the universal, the family or tribe, the state, and society. Note The mind, apperception, entity-ness, and the social-relational can be tricky or straightforward. May each person find a way to work with themselves and we-and-the-world in a depth and participant way, and strengthen that in others. The State The State (The Term) Library Library P300 Recent TRUMP MAGA 2.6 IF (Total Dynamic Space Manifesting Total Dynamicism) Te Chiseled Constitution USA - 'te compute center Constitution' (tccc) Marxism, Thomas Paine, 1776, And Fundamental Rights The Declaration Of 1776, Rights, Fundamentals Rights And Things Of Merit -- General - Document NeXTcube: The Chiseled Constitution The Power To Represent (Theory Concept And Actuality)Right Peaceably To Assemble The Right Of Te People Peaceably To Assemble --> To Assemble te right peaceably to assemble and invention and mastery of such Key Notes For T-DRCOUGA-Mvo-p Evident Law 300-400option 2020 Law Bill TCCC Theory And Applied P801 Statements On The Dialectice 1776, Thomas Paine, And Marxism Political And State And 'We The People' Analaysis And Criticism -- Today's America, The Monarchy, Tyranny, 1776, Marx, And Freedom USA Logic, Analytics, Mvo-p, Dimension Mvo-p Analytics: Logic 1010 This paper provides some useful
approach to analytics and logic, and the world, or an aspect,
observation, or representation within it.
Nations Life Expectancy And Health Expenditures Percent GDP AKSATXCRONAYMSPSOTDKFNCMO This might be a useful resource and
Mx-Senxtism: Analysis And Most Diligent Consideration In The Absolute Spirited Way, Te Capital Productivity, The United States Sectoro From 1773 Historical To 2030 Projected Mvo-p tpdrcouga – COVID-19 Statistics And Information And Analytics One's Notebook A-No Tech Know-C Anti-Big Tech BC Compliant Caterpillar Block Nationalities, Races, Ethnic Groups, Tribes, Cultures, Various Groups, Regions Within Society, The Individual, And Freedom America The ‘Six Layers’ Mx-Senxtism Dimensional Grid And Relational Arrows Idea For Knowing The Foreign Nations Mx-Senxtism Mathematics Fundamentals Journal Notes Mx-Senxtism: Perestroika And The Soviets Art World-Space And Freedom America Perhaps A Fundamental Of (That Is, One Interpretation Of...) Hispanic Ways! German Wuhan Gaia tpdrcouga TSOM-S R&D Ongoing Y2020Autceium And Following #CDCdigital parameterized s[o] Religion And Spirituality Some consider themselves spiritual and religious, some consider themselves spiritual and not religious, some consider themselves not spiritual and religious, and some consider themselves neither spiritual nor religious. Here is material from Religion and Spirituality. Favorite Christian Statements And Scripture Analysis, Review, And Dimension Lukacs-Mx-Senxtism Review-P30tpp Message To Dr. TDK, Not-Phd Of Psyk!T, On 2020 Sometime In November (Or Was That Late Autumn, Plus Minus And Before), Te Federal Law And Justice Theory And Applied And Right Way MyPhilosophicalMusings-ToAndOfNo-PhD_It-Represents-AnOutline, Not-Phd Of Psyk!T, On 2020 Sometime In November (Or Was That Late Autumn, Plus Minus And Before), Te Noumenal, Etched, Evident, And Right Way Music Art Performance nxArt_0002 nxArt_000A2C nxArt_000ObjIS_s[o]f Music Art Performance A writing: sound-just-block-audio-literature-te-novel Contact Feel free to contact tpdrcouga. |
Copyright 2020-2022 Kevin A. Sensenig. "An initial idea, explication and etch ensuing. And this detail has begun, and well into it." |