tpdrcouga |
Nationalities, Races, Ethnic Groups, Tribes, Cultures, Various Groups, Regions Within Society, The Individual, And Freedom AmericaNationalities USABy Kevin A. Sensenig 2020 August 31 |
Black Americans How a New Generation of Black Entrepreneurs Built Atlanta's Hot Startup Scene By Cameron Albert-Deitch, Reporter,
Inc. Magazine
Nice article!
8 Black Entrepreneurs Leading The Atlanta Startup Scene By Jasmyne Moody
Meditations On Integration by Eric Dolphy Coles, Jordan, Dolphy, Mingus,
American Indians Siksika Pow Wow Drums - Blackfoot Confederacy 2015 August 12
Alberta Canada
Great Native American Chiefs Curated by Sherry Andrews &
Michele Jones, Information Resource Assistant Seniors, University
of Michigan Library.
There's more, such as the poetry,
literature, and music of Joy Harjo; and the clarity, dimension
book (I have just started it) The American Indian Mind In A Linear
World by Daniel Fixico. And everyday life.
Japanese Americans and Japanese Culture In America Bilingual Kamishibai Mini Library Japan Society
Boro Textiles Sustainable Aesthetics Japan Society
More Over Time... Note May each person find a way to work with themselves and we-and-the-world in a depth and participant way, and strengthen that in others. Contact Feel free to contact tpdrcouga. |
Copyright 2020 Kevin A. Sensenig. |